Meet Erica Davis | Women Conquering Motherhood
Erica, you are a mother 365 days a year and one day is not enough to give your true recognition. Although one post could not tell your full story, we are glad to be able to highlight a few of your Great Efforts Mom!
What’s a quote that describes Motherhood to you?
“Motherhood is beautiful and an unconditional love for your children.”
Erica, your Humble Takeover is your story. How has Motherhood impacted your life and your story?
Motherhood has impacted my life by working endlessly for the benefit of my own children. It is a sacrifice without regrets. Motherhood has impacted my life for the better. I couldn't imagine my life without them.
What lessons have you learned from being a Mother?
Children will remember what you instill in them from their youth.
What advice would you offer other mothers who are writing their own stories while balancing motherhood?
Be a good role model for your children, actively listen to them, and spend quality time.
Who are other mothers writing their story and #ConqueringMotherhood?
Experience Her Story:
Instagram: @_ericadavis_
Erica, thank you for your support of the HumbleTakeover Brand and also your participation in our Mother’s Day Campaign. Continue to be the light for your sons, family and the world. #conquertheworldmom
Welcome to the Humble Takeover Family!